Year 2 Term 1a Term 1b Term 2a Term 2b Term 3a Term 3b
RE Judaism- Shabbat
Journey in Love
Signs and symbols Preparing Books Thanksgiving Opportunities Spread the Word Rules Treasures Islam – prayer at home
PSHE Feeling and emotions Diversity and Difference Bullying Safety in the home Keeping Safe Personal hygiene Healthy eating Exercise People who have made a difference
L & S Spellwrite inc Spellwrite inc Spellwrite inc Spellwrite inc Spellwrite inc Spellwrite inc

Big Write- ‘Harry’s Purple Crayon’

Alice in Wonderland

Fiction – What would you do? 

Non-fiction All about Orang-utans

Poetry – Pattern and Rhyme


Big Write- ‘The Papaya that Spoke.’ Fiction – Tales with a twist Poetry – A closer look Non-fiction Does chocolate grow on trees? Word detectives Big Write- ‘The disgusting sandwich’ & ‘Diary of a killer cat.’ Fiction- Muddles and Mishaps Non-fiction What’s the most unusual place in the world? Poetry-Silly stuff
MA Number and Place Value Mental addition and subtraction Mental multiplication and division Properties of 2D shapes and Venn diagrams

Statistics and Carroll diagrams Ordinal numbers Value of different coins Position, direction and movement Length- cm and m

Doubling and halving

Number and place value Number bonds Mental addition and subtraction Properties of 3d shapes Time- quarter to and past

More than less than

Fractions of shapes and numbers multiplication and division –arrays Pictograms and block graphs Money- adding amounts- pounds and pence Addition and subtraction of 2 and 3 digit numbers addition of 3 numbers finding the difference weight using standard measures finding 1/2 , ¼ and ¾ of numbers double multiples of 5 and 10 Record amounts of money using £.p notation count in 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, and 10s and do division with these multiplication facts length in cm time to 5 minute intervals partitioning to add 2 and 3 digit numbers find bonds of 100 using thermometers
SCI Uses of everyday materials Living Things Growing plants Changing shape Feeding and exercise Forest school- at Thaxsted- linked to Habitats
Computing ‘we are astronauts’ (programming on screen) programming ‘we are games testers’ (exploring how computer games work) computational thinking ‘we are photographers’ (taking, selecting and editing digital images) creativity ‘we are researchers’ (researching a topic) computer networks COM ‘we are detectives’- (communicating clues) communication/collaboration we are zoologists (recording bug hunt data)- productivity
ART  Paper Art/weaving Andy Goldsworthy   Vincent Van Gogh     Can Buildings speak?
DT Jam tarts Delightful Decorations Burger Wacky Windmills Moving monsters Summer Fruit crumble Puppets

Singing Games Sing with a sense of the shape of the melody, and perform simple patterns and accompaniments using a steady pulse or ostinato.

Recognise and explore the ways sounds can be combined and used expressively.

Preparation for KS1 Christmas concert. Sing with a sense of the shape of the melody, and perform simple patterns and accompaniments using a steady pulse or ostinato.

Recognise and explore the ways sounds can be combined and used expressively

Tuned Percussion Represent sounds with symbols including some standard rhythmic notation.

Recognise how the musical elements can be used to create different moods and effects and communicate ideas.

Compound rhythms Sing with expression and perform simple melodic and rhythmic parts.

Preparation for the infant summer concert

Improvise repeated patterns and combine several layers of sound with an awareness of the combined effect.

Recognise how the different musical elements are combined and used expressively.

Making music with traditional stories Make improvements to their own work, commenting on the intended effect.

Describe, and compare different kinds of music (including live and recorded music) using an appropriate musical vocabulary.


(Games) Throwing and Catching

Multi Skills

Football skills (4 wks) (Gym) Basic actions = 

Control & co-ordination, repeat sequences of gymnastic actions, move smoothly from stillness to travelling

Travelling in diff pathways (2), low apparatus (2), high apparatus (2)

ECC Scheme of Work p.140-143

Fundamental Movement skills-Climb

(Games) Football, Foot dribbles, Kick Football skills (3 wks)

(Gym) Basic actions=

Control & co-ordination, repeat sequences of gymnastic actions, move smoothly from stillness to travelling.

Travelling in diff pathways (2), low apparatus (2), high apparatus (2)

ECC Scheme of Work p.140-143

Fundamental Movement skills-Climb


Multi Skills , One-handed, two-handed strike

Handball skills (3 wks)

(Gym) Basic actions =

Control & co-ordination, repeat sequences of gymnastic actions, move smoothly from stillness to travelling

Turning & rotating, rocking & rolling (5)

ECC Scheme of Work p.144-146

Fundamental Movement skills-Forward rolls


Tag-Rugby Overhand throw, Handball skills (2 wks)

(Gym) Basic actions =

Control & co-ordination, repeat sequences of gymnastic actions, move smoothly from stillness to travelling

Turning & rotating, rocking & rolling (5)

ECC Scheme of Work p.144-146

Fundamental Movement skills-Forward rolls

(Games) Multiskills Continuous leap, Vertical jump Cricket skills

(Gym) Basic actions =

Control & co-ordination, repeat sequences of gymnastic actions, move smoothly from stillness to travelling

Supporting body weight, Balance & Symmetry (5)

ECC Scheme of Work p.147-151

(Games) Multiskills , Sprint run, Cricket skills

(Gym) Basic actions =

Control & co-ordination, repeat sequences of gymnastic actions, move smoothly from stillness to travelling

Supporting body weight, Balance & Symmetry (5)

ECC Scheme of Work p.147-151

HIS   Florence Nightingale Remembrance Great Fire of London Narrative recount of Great Fire     Isaac Newton
GEOG Around the world     Map Makers Weather patterns St Lucia- a contrasting locality Where do I live? The UK- features and characteristics